Teen Orthodontic Treatment
When most people think about orthodontic treatment, they think about getting started between the ages of 11-16. At this age most, if not all of the permanent have arrived and the most of the orthodontic issues are easily detected at this time. People in their teens also become more perceptive of their appearance, their self-esteem and their peer groups. Let’s face it, growing up as a teenager can be tough and building self-confidence can be paramount in the emotional development of a teenager.

How long will my treatment take?
This is one of the most common questions we get asked! We understand you don’t want braces to slow you down and neither do we! We use the latest in technology and materials to ensure the most efficient treatment for you. In addition, our staff has a combined 400 years of experience in the field of orthodontics. The amount of time it will take to complete your treatment will depend on several things including your age, your individual treatment needs and how active you are in your orthodontic care. We will need your help throughout treatment to help achieve the best results in the shortest times possible. Our average treatment time is approximately 18-20 months, but it varies for each patient.

Are there different options in terms of appearance of my braces?
Absolutely! If there is an option on the orthodontic market, we have it! In terms of types of braces, we have traditional silver braces, clear braces and even Invisalign or inside braces. Whatever look you are going for, we’ve got you covered! If you would like more information on any of these

Can I eat while I wear my braces?
We get asked this question all the time! Of course, we don’t want our treatment to get in the way of your lifestyle or eating habits. Yes, there are diet limitations, but it is minimal and if you are interested in Invisalign, there are even fewer restrictions. If you have have more questions regarding what life with braces is like,