Pink Takeover 2021
February means it’s time to take the pledge to stand against bullying!
While adhering to the new COVID-19 safety protocols, our team was determined to continue our tradition of turning our office into a sea of pink! Thank you to all of our amazing patients, who took the pledge, opted for pink elastics and tagged our team in your pink posts!
For the past 4 years, the Tru North team has teamed up with the Bully Free Community Alliance of York to shed light on anti-bullying awareness and promote the message of sharing kindness always. The Bully Free Community Alliance is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advocating and providing education, awareness, and other support to maintain the welfare of the community.
The Tru Team is ecstatic to announce this year’s donation to the York Bully Free Community Alliance is $1,122.00! Our Docs, donned in head to toe Pink proudly presented the cheque to this incredible organization with big smiles (under their masks, of course!).
Until next year – stay kind Tru Fam and get your smile on!